Immunization Requirements

If your child is in the 7th grade, please be advised of the following.

Tetanus booster 

These records must be complete and on proper documentation before the first day of the new school year. Your child may not attend school until these records are in his/her school records. If you have questions please feel free to call the school.

Students entering Kindergarten & 1st Grade are required to have:

  • 3 Hepatitis Immunizations with a minimum spacing of: 

    • 28 days between Hep 1 and Hep 2 
      112 days (4 months) between Hep 1 and Hep 3 
      56 days between Hep 2 and Hep 3

  • 2 MMRs (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) with the first MMR given on or after the first birthday

  • 5 DPTs (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)

  • 4 Polio's

All students entering 7th grade and 8th grade need:

  • Td (tetanus-Diphtheria) boosters within 5 years of the 7th grade entrance date.

  • 2 MMRs with the first being given on or after the first birthday

  • Hepatitis B

The immunizations must be presented on a Florida certificate of Immunization form. If the child is in the process of completing the immunizations, the back of the form, under "Temporary medical exemption' must be completed with a current expiration date. The student must receive the needed vaccine prior to this date.