Rooted in a Foundation of Faith


Sacred Heart Catholic School is deeply rooted in the teachings of Christ from a foundation within a Redemptorist parish. Through the years, the Sisters of Mercy from Belmont, NC, and the Sisters of Notre Dame from Toledo, Ohio, together with dedicated laymen and women have molded and shaped the Catholic identity of the school.

Today, our dedicated faculty provides a thorough religious education, seamlessly integrating Catholic values and traditions into every facet of your child's learning journey. From daily prayer and meaningful Mass celebrations to enriching spiritual retreats, as well as community outreach projects, we foster a profound connection to following Jesus and embodying his teachings through acts of kindness and service to others. Our ultimate objective is to cultivate young hearts and minds, preparing them for a lifetime of faith, service, and moral integrity.

Catholic identity is evidenced by:

  • Daily prayer opportunities

  • Religious education classes

  • Preparation and celebration of weekly Eucharist

  • Special prayer experiences such as praying the rosary, the Stations of the Cross, para liturgical services, and penance services

  • All grades retreat day/experiences

  • All Saints Day research and presentations (all grades) Saints Museum

  • The Living Stations of the Cross presentation (gr. 8)

  • Catholic Schools Week activities

  • School-wide service to the community (Food drives, Boxes of Love, Lenten Alms and service)

  • Participation as altar servers


  • Every human life, created in God’s image, is worthy of respect and dignity.

  • Catholic education is an essential part of the Church’s mission to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus, to build faith communities, to celebrate through worship, and to serve others without distinction.

  • The Gospel values of our faith are an integral part of our daily life as Catholic Christians.

  • A learning environment that promotes academic excellence empowers students to grow toward their God-given potential.

  • Sacred Heart Catholic School is the shared responsibility of the pastor, principal, teachers and staff, students parents, parish and community members.

  • As responsible citizens, our students have the potential to transform the world.